Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I dont know what "alright" is anymore.  My entire equilibrium has been shifted and I don't know where the normal lies.  I don't know what I should be feeling, what parts of me I should be repressing, or if not repressing them, then how I should give them their place.  I feel like the lack of companionship is seriously getting in the way of my friendships, because they cannot give me enough to fill the hole that has been made.  I just want to cry and sleep... but I have work to do, and a test that I haven't studied for nearly enough tonight.  I should be studying right now, but I can't.  I just can't.  It's hard to read a screen when it becomes blurry all of a sudden.  Something needs to go.  Something needs to leave my life... but I don't know what more I can possibly cut out.  Classes? I guess there may be one that I can drop at the most.  It's pretty much too late to replace it with anything now.  Why does this still have such a damn hold over me... it's been so long... I guess time doesn't have anything to do with it.  I thought it did.  I thought I could just wait.  But no.  Waiting just makes it worse I've found.  It just concentrates it.  It focuses it and keeps me from focusing on anything else.  I just want to leave.  Take a metaphysical midnight train out of this life.  Help me... I wish someone could, but I don't think it's possible anymore.  I think even if Kelly were to come back, I wouldn't get better.  I would just continue to get worse regardless.  The damage has been done, and some wounds never heal.  Some wounds never heal til death makes them irrelevant.

1 comment:

Loma said...

"Never act the way you think you should. Cry if you want to, smile if you can"

"... you can dream of all the sorrow but remember to have faith. You can sit alone in darkness and pray to live again. Remember God is with you and will never lead you astray"