Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Not much to say tonight.

I've finally found a way where I can learn parkour.  In fact, there are a lot of opportunities for things I've always wanted to do that I'm taking advantage of.  I think now more than ever I am enjoying the freedom of being single, and by that I mean the boatloads of time that I have to spend on whatever I choose, the not having to check in with anyone else or take anyone else's preferences about what to do or how to utilize one's resources, etc.  It feels nice, though I might add a bit selfish, just having to worry about myself for a change.  Life is a lot more manageable, even a lot more fun and adventurous.  I don't have to deal with anyone's stubbornness or lack of enjoyment or knowledge/understanding about this or that.  If I want to do something, I simply surround myself with the club/group of people that also enjoy whatever that thing is.  Again, it feels almost socially promiscuous trying so many different activities, and not getting bogged down or overly focused on any one of them, but this is how I am, and this is how I would have it.  There are a few clubs that I had to turn down, so as to not overburden myself, so it's not like I cannot say no to adding new time commitments either.

There is one person whose presence has not recently become considerably grating upon my being.  Now it is simply amplified by proximate living quarters.

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