Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year

I think my new year's resolution for this year will be 1366 x 768.

Among other things, the following is a list of daily goals I have recently set to improve myself toward the general goal of becoming a more interesting person-

  1. Write at least one journal entry each day.
  2. Spend at least 30 minutes each day writing music
    1. Improvising on the guitar
    2. Composing using Fruity Loops
  3. Keep in contact with people more
    1. Being honest and open with people
    2. Making an effort to have at least one actual conversation each day with someone.
  4. Read more
    1. Read at least 10-15 Pages or 1 Chapter each day.
  5. Plan dinners the night before

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tigers on the mind

I just woke up from a dream where I was having a conversation with a quite large Bengal tiger. As most cats usually get at some point, it started demanding my affection and purring/nuzzling up to me, overwhelming me with its soft coat that veiled the feline's deadly potential. This cat, however, was different, for it started talking to me. Most cats don't do that, on account that they are either too prideful or too shy most of the time to speak to ones such as us. I found out soon after though, that this was not exactly a cat. It was a human that was able to morph herself into a giant tiger. How or why she was able to do this, I may never know. It's been about a year since we've spoken in person, so I guess she could have learned a lot since then.

I'm not sure what a dream like this entails. Maybe nothing at all. I do have very fond memories of Tigers in the place of my early days...

TIGER, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The unextinguished embers

The dream started off at a birthday party or something like that of a mutual friend.  I noticed that Kelly was there almost instantly, and for whatever reason I was still allowed at the party.  She looked subtly different, longer hair that was oddly darker and shiny, which for whatever reason made her appear slightly taller.  For the entire duration of the party, she just avoided me entirely, until the end when I approached her where she couldn't sneak away and asked as nicely as I could if she wanted to talk at all.  Here's things got complicated.  She agreed to talking for a little while at first but said that we had to limit it to thirty minutes because she had somewhere to go and she said that she knew when we talked, it usually could last for several hours (did I detect a tone of reminiscence?  Maybe).  So we hung around at the party until we all had to get going and go our separate ways. For whatever reason, my first car was in the dream, an old green F-150, except in this dream it looked a lot newer or cleaner at least.  The space-time of the dream wrinkled here and began in a different scene in the near future after the party.  I think we were in a place that looked like the long hallway in CLA, it was dark and eerie but not so much, just kind of like a basement that few people wander into that often.  We were both there and were still talking, and I asked her how the last year of college went.  Instantly the view shifted into alternating between my mind's eye of the last year and hers. She said that it seemed very short, like not much time had passed at all.  I couldn't agree less.  I was thinking about asking her if she had gone out with anyone since, but she answered before I got the chance to ask saying that she usually only hung out with her girl friends and hadn't really met anyone special like that yet.  I'm not sure what I said, but what I felt was relief.  This was the high-point of the dream, and the falling action afterwards was a little vague.  I think it took place over IM chat, where we were wrapping up and saying goodbye, and she said that I had ____ (I don't remember the word used in the dream, but it was some term my mind made up to encapsulate the meaning of "the right to cuddle with her, just whenever, no attachment or special relationship status as a prerequisite).  And it was at this point that my sub-conscious decided that the rest of the details were up to my imagination to fill in, and I woke up, first feeling a slight swoon of happiness and contentment, and then as this wave of tranquility washed over me, it soon dissipated into the ocean of reality.

I had several choices about what I would do with this dream.  I could mope all day and brood over it.  I could just ignore it and let it eat away at my sub-conscious and build up desire in my heart until driving me to madness.  Or, I could contain it inside of a journal entry, giving it its proper place and neither giving it free reign of my mind, neither kicking it out on the street for it to curse my hospitality and conspire to break in at some point later.

It no longer worries me what having all of these dreams about Kelly might mean, though it does puzzle me a little.  I hope this is the right strategy to pursue in trying to give proper voice to my thoughts and neither try to amplify nor squelch them.  Yes, I still think about her a lot, so I guess it's a matter of high probability as to when she will show up in my dreams.  My life is moving forward in so many ways.  Last night I had another awesome circumstance when I just got to be social and be myself unashamedly and talk with random people I didn't know at all as if it was normal.  Trust me, it is not normal for me, but something was such that it was last night.  I felt proud to be who I was and to like what I like and that those things which I deem awesome need to be shared with others.  I think that is a good way to describe how to be one with yourself, to have a whole identity: that is, to know yourself, what your delight is, what you want out of life, and what you are able to give back to life, and to let this knowledge define your interaction with others.  But, going back, let me draw an analogy.  In a war, there are many fronts to fight on, and you can choose to define the war in terms of any one of them at a given time, but to define the whole you must integrate over all the parts.  I can calmly say that my life is moving forward as a whole.  One of the battles that I have been fighting for a long time is trying to 'get over my ex-girlfriend,' which is of course a multi-faceted war within a war itself, but lets not get too zoomed in that we lose the big picture.  This front has come to what you might call a standstill.  I have sent in enough units to hold the line, but not to advance further just yet.  Why? you might ask?  Because like a good general, I need to manage my resources and unit count wisely.  I have been scouting ahead past the battle, and have seen that there is nothing yet on the other side of this skirmish for me to be really going after, and so I send in just enough firepower to hold things still and I am devoting the rest of my resources to other battles, to the home front to boost my economy and tech up, so that some day, once I determine that there is something to gain from winning that ongoing battle, then I will charge forward and break through the enemy's lines and I will crush them, because then I will have something to be fighting for on the other side, rather than just fighting simply to be done with fighting, which is never going to cease anyway, and I will be ready from having prepared myself on the home-front, and I will be able to recruit troops from other battles I have won in the meantime to fight on that front.  So what does this analogy boil down to?  My life has many challenges, and yet there is only so much mind capacity to handle it all, so it must be apportioned wisely.  Right now, I am choosing to focus on other battles and on the home-front, to focus on just simply getting better grades, on being a more dependable person, on being courteous and considerate and perceptive of my friends, etc.  I am trying to write and journal more and talk to friends more deeply, so I can know myself more and use that knowledge to get to know others.  But to win this battle, to fully and truly get over Kelly in the broadest possible meaning, I need a new relationship to be waiting on the other side of victory.  I am progressing in being single, because that is not a part of this battle that solely deals with the intimate interaction of two people, so it is not holding me back from growing in other areas; I have confined it to a small part of my life that would not even be functional anyway at this stage for me.  I have done my scouting, and there are no potential relationships in view, so as far as the melee of romance, I have nothing to move forward to just yet, but when I do, then it will be an easy matter of breaking this small siege and charging ahead.  As I've already said, my lines are moving forward on many fronts, and I am winning the war that is my life, but the line of progress is not a straight one.  It is warped and curved, and there are bulges in both directions, but the line as a whole continues to move forward, and that is all that is important.  That is why I do not worry that the embers of this battle are still burning.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The drugs have taken away some of my depression and anxiety... the chasm remains, void of happiness... nothing is left... darkness... and silence...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I think the drugs are working... but it could be a number of other factors at this point.  Life is picking up.  I think the drugs are teaching me to separate my physical self from my emotional self, which can be scary if I have a panic attack without the panicking part, and when my body goes into a depressed state and cannot breathe well and has a heavy weight on its chest, yet psychologically I am fine and can think clearly and get through my day well.  It's an odd dichotomy, but one that will teach me how to continue to do this in absence of any medication. I'm glad I'm learning this lesson.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Today, my problems made the jump from conscious to sub-conscious.  I had what the doctors in the emergency room told me was a panic attack.  I haven't been able to breathe correctly since yesterday morning after going an entire night without sleep.  Breathing is labored and voluntary, and I cannot get to my full lung capacity.  It's like there's an invisible brick on my chest.  The scary part is that nothing of this was emotional.  I was not panicked today, I was not scared, or overwhelmed, or anything like that.  I was glad to be alive, glad that classes are working out better than I thought they would, that I have more clear goals at work now, that I had an awesome weekend with Kuk Sool and D&D.  Then, boom.  Can't breathe, fingers start tingling, moves to hands, wrists, forearms.  Before I know it, I'm walking as fast as I can (not fast under these conditions) to the emergency room, not knowing what the heck is going on.  The next scary part... they took my O2 stats, blood pressure, checked my heart and lungs, and NOTHING was wrong.  They said I was hyperventilating when I came in, but I didn't feel like I was at all.  I was talking to the nurse, so I didn't have as much time as normal to take the breaths that I have been, namely slow and short.  It got to the point where my whole face started convulsing, and my forearms and hands and fingers locked up.  I had to get the nurse to dial my phone for me so I could tell my psychologist I would be late for my appointment because my fingers wouldn't move.  (Will finish Later... maybe... probly not)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I figured it out.  No... I should stop saying that.  I'm not sure I will ever really figure out every lesson there was to be learned or every problem that went wrong with me and Kelly, but I did solve another huge one today.  The reason that I have lost so much of a sense of meaning in my life, or fulfillment, or joy, etc. is because I do not give of myself to anyone anymore, or at least not nearly as much, as deeply.  It's why I have been feeling so alone, even when I have all these friends who are willing to pour into me and help me.  Because I have no one that I can pour into.  I used to make her laugh, to comfort her (I hope at least sometimes), to talk her through her problems with her parents, or do what I could to help her with her life direction.  We shared our frustrations, we motivated each other to go forward, to be the best each of us could be.  Now I don't have that.  Now I am a leech of a friend, in mostly commensalist relationships at best, at least that's what my perception tells me, which often has a fairly high standard deviation from what is correct.  Sure, there are some times when I make my friends laugh, and maybe even help them with their problems if I can wrench it out of them, and show them that I am there for them, but is this worth the frustration I put them through?  One out of one girlfriends answer "no."  I feel like I've stopped helping anyone else, that I've stopped giving of myself to anyone, that I am only here for my own survival, and that before I was even aware of it, my own body is telling me that this type of life is not worth the work of keeping my heart beating and by lungs breathing to sustain.  This is why my life feels so incomplete without you, Kelly, because I don't have anyone that I want to live for other than myself anymore.  This is why I have no drive, no motivation, and why my energy level is shot and I can only sleep all the time, because I know that this life is worthless without someone that I can pour into and give of myself... there's no point to it.  I hope that you come back so I can make you smile again.  That's what I need.  Someone I can give joy to.  Someone I can make happy.  Until then, I cannot be happy.  Simple.  As.  That.